ways to develop positive attitude

Ways to develop a positive attitude 1 listening to songs Music definitely improves your mood, and it’s a really simple thing to do. 2 do not see continuously television Studies have shown that people who watch TV less are happier, which leads me to my next point… 3 don, t do so much work continuously Whenever I do something, I like to ask myself if, at the end of the day, I would be content saying that I had spent time doing it. (This is why I block sites I find myself wasting too much time on. I enjoy them, but they’re just not worth it when I could be learning something new, or working on projects I care about.) Time is incredibly valuable. 4 be safe from negative people or person A community that considers itself intelligent tends to be negativity because criticizing is seen as a signaling mechanism to indicate that you’re more intelligent than the person you corrected. This was irrationally frustrating for me – ...