Bermuda triangle and its mystery
The Bermuda triangle is a devil triangle which is in a loose region of western part of the North Atlantic Ocean and where a number of aircraft and ships have mysteriously disappeared. Sources dismiss the idea that there is a hidden mystery behind it.

The Vicinity of the Bermuda triangle is amongst the heavily traveled shipping lanes across the world with ships frequency cross through its pore in America's Europe and caribbean island cruise ship and pleasure craft sail through the region and commercial and private aircraft routinely fly over it.popular culture has attributed plenty disappearance to the to the paranormal or activity from extraterrestrial  being. Documented evidence indicates that a significant percentage of the incident are several.

The origins
The earliest suggestion of unusual disappearance in that area occurred in September 17,1950 article was published in the miami Herald by Edward van Winkle jones.two year later they found later out there magazine published sea mystery at our Back door a short article published by George sand covering the loss of several planes and ship including loss of flight 19 
A group of five us navy grammar Tbm Avenger torpedo bomber on a training mission.sand article is the first to layer out
The familiar triangle area where the losses take place as well as the first to suggest a supernatural element to the flight 19 incident.

On February 1964 vincent Gaddis wrote an articles on the Bermuda triangle called the deadly Bermuda triangle in the pulp magazine argosy saying flight 19 and other are disappeared in the part of pattern 
Of strange events in that region.

Mystery behind Bermuda triangle
Defying 70 years of fevered speculated by a sceptical Scientist declared that that the mystery of the Bermuda triangle as solved
By claiming there was no mystery in the first place by the way.

Mr kruzelnick told to au that not only does the Bermuda triangle or devil triangle cover a large 700,000 Square- kilometer (2700,000) square mile Swathe of ocean it is also a particularly busy patch of sea it is  close to the equator near a wealthy fort of the world.

So mr kruzelnick when you then compare the member of disappearance to the large 
Quantity of ship and plane that passes by
The Bermuda triangle you find there is nothing out of the ordinary about the area at all.

He said this flight of the five us navy Tbm Avenger torpedo bomber that set off from fort Lauderdale Florida on december 5 1945 for a routine two four training mission over the Atlantic after losing radio contact with their base all five plane disappeared suddenly no trade of them nor their 14 crew people were found out. Now he tell the theories or mystery behind it was some have attributed Bermuda triangle disappearance to explosive release of methane gas trapped as methane hydrate 
Inside an icy crystalline cage of deep ocean such blowout called release a giant
Plume of gas that causes the sea to bubble, boiling and sinking the ship because the resulting foam was much less dense than the water on which the vessel generally floats.
A geological survey scientists of the United States consulted on this theory admits that a gas hydrate blow out could indeed sink the ship in the manner described.

The only problem he says that the most recently naturally occurs hydrate gas blowout of the south eastern us probably occurred at the end of the glacial episode
About 15,000 year ago or more when more technically advanced men's ships were nothing more than hollow logs.

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Jerald Manoharan

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